MFE Events

[WEBINAR] The “Checklist”: Ten Steps For Advanced Risk And Portfolio Management

Date: 3 MAY 2016, FRIDAY
Time: 6:30PM - 8:30PM
Venue: Level 1, Seminar Room, Capital Tower, FTSE Room (Level 9),
168 Robinson Road, Singapore 068912

[WEBINAR] The “Checklist”: Ten Steps For Advanced Risk And Portfolio Management

Attilio Meucci

Founder Advanced Risk and Portfolio Management® (ARPM)

Speaker Profile:

Attilio Meucci is the founder of Advanced Risk and Portfolio Management® (ARPM), under whose umbrella he designed and teaches the six-day “ARPM Bootcamp®”.

Attilio Meucci is also the chief risk officer at KKR. Prior to joining KKR, Mr. Meucci was the chief risk officer and director of portfolio construction at Kepos Capital; the global head of research for Bloomberg’s risk and portfolio analytics platform; a researcher at Lehman POINT; a trader at the hedge fund Relative Value International; and a consultant at Bain & Co.

Mr Meucci is the author of “Risk and Asset Allocation” – Springer and numerous publications in practitioners and academic journals. In addition to the ARPM Bootcamp®, he taught at Columbia-IEOR, NYU-Courant, and Bocconi University.

Mr. Meucci earned a BA summa cum laude in Physics from the University of Milan, an MA in Economics from Bocconi University, a PhD in Mathematics from the University of Milan and is a CFA charterholder. Mr Meucci is fluent in six languages.