MFE Events

A Look Inside The Modern Trading Desk

Time: 1.00PM – 2.00PM
Venue: Seminar Room, Level 1, I³ Building, 21 Heng Mui Keng Terrace, Singapore 119613

A Look Inside The Modern Trading Desk


Rory Winston

Director, eFX (Electronic FX)

Rory Winston is a Director at Commerzbank AG working on eFX liquidity management, augtomated execution and trading algorithms and big data analytics. He has a wide range of experience in financial markets, telecommunications, and technology startups spanning Europe, Australia and Asia. He currently works on a real-time foreign exchange trading system that trades billions of Euro each day on the wholesale and interbank foreign exchange markets.

He holds an MSc in Applied Computing from NUI Galway and a Masters in Finance from London Business School.


High-level topics will be

  • Introduction
  • Overview of the Foreign Exchange (FX) market - history, structure and main players
  • How the FX market is evolving - challenges and opportunities
  • Inside the modern trading desk
  • Technology and trading - algo trading / big data / automation / DIY trading
  • The trading desk of the future - Careers in FX and trading

For enquiries, please contact: Yati Kum, 6516 4595,

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