MFE Events

Institutional Forex Trading – A Fintech Perspective

Date: 3 NOVEMBER 2017 (FRIDAY)
Time: 1.00PM – 2.00PM
Venue: Seminar Room Level 1,
21 Heng Mui Keng Terrance I³ Building,
Singapore 119613 [map]

Institutional Forex Trading – A Fintech Perspective

Ting 1

Featuring the
Institutional Forex Trading – A Fintech Perspective
Mr Ting Song Ye
Co-founder & CTO of Spark Systems

Prior to Spark Systems, Ting Song worked at “buy side” US hedge fund Pine River Capital Management in Hong Kong, where he was part of a four-person team managing a quantitative FX macro fund of US$1 billion. Whilst there, he designed and built from scratch a bespoke state-of-the-art algorithm electronic trading system, and managed intraday trade strategies and executions. Previous to Hong Kong, in 2011 he was a FX Algorithmic Trading Strategist at the “Sell Side” investment bank – JP Morgan, in Singapore, where he was responsible for developing the electronic pricing of Asian and NDF currencies on the bank’s e-commerce FX platform, including building and supporting the pricing infrastructure and auto risk management.

Before his return to Asia in 2011, Ting Song has already built a distinguished career having worked in London for over 10 years. He first entered the world of FX electronic trading in 2009, at Barclays Capital in London, where he was a senior quant developer for Barclay’s bespoke Algorithmic Trading System (BATS). The BATS team was responsible for providing automated pricing and electronic risk management for the award-winning Barclay’s FX e-commerce platform BARX – it was one of the top three single-dealer platforms in the world at the time.

Ting Song’s first crack at banking industry was at UBS in 2007, where he was associate director and led a team of high calibre developers to design and deliver a Java/Oracle-based enterprise data solution, as part of a high-profile bank-wide strategic integration framework initiative.

After his graduation from Trinity College, University of Cambridge with a degree in Computer Science in 2000, Ting Song started his career in telecoms during its boom in the early 2000s. He later moved into the consultancy industry and became technical architect and principal consultant with the boutique UK firm Detica, now BAE Systems Applied Intelligence, where he led technical teams and managed consultancy projects such as CASE Management System for the UK government and customer insight project for telecom company T-Mobile.


Ting Song will share with our students a special look into the world of electric trading and the rise of Automated Trading Systems. In particular, he will bring in his unique perspective as the co-founder and CTO of Spark Systems, a Singapore-based fintech start-up. Spark Systems is Asia’s first self-built professional e-FX trading platform. With the support from both industry institutions and Singapore’s regulators, Spark Systems aims to bringing the epic centre of Asia institutional forex trading to Singapore.

For enquiries, please contact: Chris Long , 6516 3380,