HS2301 Financial Literacy and Numeracy

 HS2301 Financial Literacy and Numeracy


This undergraduate course introduces the language of finance and accounting, and is intended to help the students gain a broad knowledge of finance used in the real world, and think in the language of finance. The topics include understanding basic terms used in finance and accounting; operation of financial markets and the instruments traded in them; classification, measurement, and management of the financial risks; risks and returns in investment; introduction to financial data analytics and fintech.

Students will gain a broad understanding of the real-world financial markets, risks, and investments, as well as learn to think in basic financial terms.

This course is also part of the FASS 2.0 Banking and Finance Track (Data Analytics/Big Data/Statistics Hard Skills Clusters).

This course will serve as a UE for all NUS students, while FASS/FoS/CHS students have the priority to sign up at Round 1.

Key Details

  • Course Units: 4 Units
  • Pre-requisite: NIL
  • Preclusions: FIN2704, QF1100
  • Final Exam: MCQs
  • S/U option
  • CourseReg round 1: FASS/FoS/CHS undergraduates only
  • CourseReg round 2-3: All undergraduates

Introduction video

Click here to access.

Passcode: ci3+$$LE

For enquiries, please email sinta@nus.edu.sg.