MFE Events

NUS MFE 20th Anniversary Alumni Gathering

Time: 3.00PM - 8.30PM
Venue: Marco Polo Shenzhen,
28 Fuhua 1st Road, Futian CBD, Shenzhen 518048, China

NUS MFE 20th Anniversary Alumni Gathering

14:30-15:00 Registration
15:00-15:10 Welcome Remarks
Prof. Sun Yeneng, Director, RMI
15:10-15:55 Alumni Forum (1)

Keith Chen Qi, 2008 cohort, Managing Director, Head of Fixed Income, CNCBI Asset Management
Li Fan, 2011 cohort, Deputy General Manager, Bank of China (Shenzhen)
Yang Fan, 2012 cohort, Senior Vice President, Shanxi Securities (International)

Pan Ying, 2014 cohort, Senior Sales Manager, Bosera Asset Management

15:55-16:20 Tea Break
16:20-17:05 Alumni Forum (2)

Dai Rui, 2014 cohort, Analyst, Rongtong Global Investment
Liu Tianyi, 2013 cohort, Vice President, Highbridge Capital Management
Luo Ying, 2007 cohort, Director, GF Securities
Yue Shangsong, 2013 cohort, Head of Equity Investment, Life Insurance Company

Qiao Di, 2014 cohort, Investment Manager, CGGC Equipment Industry

17:05-17:50 Alumni Forum (3)

Hu Pan, 2012 cohort, Equity Trading Quant Research, Credit Suisse
Shi Mingyu, 2015 cohort, Quantitative Analyst, Asset Management, CICC
Song Zhaoxian, 2012 cohort, Portfolio Manager, E Fund
Wu Baoxin, 2013 cohort, Vice President, Derivatives Trading, China Securities

Hu Yue, 2014 cohort, Non-ferrous Metal Researcher, Chaos Research Institute

17:50-18:00 Closing Remarks
Launch of NUS MFE Alumni Association China
18:30-20:30 Gathering Dinner

Please click here to view full speakers' bio in Chinese.

This event is sponsored by Hushtree.

For enquiries, please contact: Yati Kum, Tel: 6516 4595, Email:

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