Certification Programs

Workshop in Commodity Markets

25 to 26 April 2016

Workshop in Commodity Markets

Program Overview-What you will learn

Workshop designed to increase understanding of the global commodity markets, their characteristics, terminology, industry jargon and market conventions.
Up to date insights on the changing regulatory and competitive market place.
Review the commodity supply chain and learn how to identify and quantify opportunities.
Analyze risk management and structured finance solutions highlighting industry best practices.
Practical case studies highlighting Asian companies and exposures.

A unique opportunity to learn from an industry expert with over 30 years practical experience.

Who should attend

 Bankers- financial markets, relationship and lending officers, legal, risk and compliance
 Investment Managers, Equity and industry analysts
 Commodity Traders
 Regulators and Government entities
 Legal and Accounting firms
 Students- looking to pursue a career in commodities

Topics Covered

 Importance of Risk Management
 Commodity Markets Overview

 Characteristics and Conventions:

 Precious Metals and Base Metals
 Bulks-Coal and Iron ore

 Competitive Landscape, New markets/developments

 Supply Chain Analysis

 Identifying and Quantifying Risks

 Case Studies and worked examples

 Risk Solutions

 Establishing optimal risk policy

 OTC, Futures, Physical

 Industry best practices

 Supply Chain Financing/Structured Commodity Finance

 Inventory Finance

 Prepayment and Contract monetisation

 Project Finance and Loan participation

 Industry Panel-Singapore’s Role as Regional Hub

 Panel of Industry experts discussing Singapore’s leading role in the region

 Panel participants include:

 World Gold Council
 Bank- Westpac
 Agri- specialist Agri trading company

 When things go Wrong

 Lessons from the Past


Sean Mulhearn

Program Date

25 to 26 April 2016


S$2,800 (subject to 7% GST)


We are pleased to offer the following discounts (either one)

  • 15% discount for signups before 25 March 2016 (1 month ahead of program)
  • 15% discount for signups of a group of 3 or more

Financial Training Scheme

This programme is approved for listing on the Financial Training Scheme (FTS) Programme Directory and is eligible for FTS claims subject to all eligibility criteria being met. Please note that in no way does this represent an endorsement of the quality of the training provider and programme. Participants are advised to assess the suitability of the programme and its relevance to participants' business activities or job roles. The FTS is available to eligible entities, at a 50% funding level of programme fees subject to all eligibility criteria being met. FTS claims may only be made for programmes listed on the FTS Programme Directory with the specified validity period. Please refer to www.ibf.org.sg for more information or Email: funding@ibf.org.sg.


For enquiry, please contact Ms Jaslin Chong at Tel: 6516 8497 or Email: rmicsh@nus.edu.sg