Research Seminars & Other Events

NUS Quantitative Finance Joint Seminar Series (Webinar)

Date: 11 December 2020
Time: 09.00am - 11.00am
Speaker: Prof Liuren Wu, Prof Omer Tamuz
Venue: Online Webinar

NUS Quantitative Finance Joint Seminar Series (Webinar)

This webinar is jointly organised by Risk Management Institute and Centre for Quantitative Finance


09.00AM – 10.00AM

(Singapore Time Zone, GMT +8)

Title: Toward a Factor Model of Relative Valuation

Prof Liuren Wu (City University of New York)

Abstract: The concept of market valuation relative to book cost has been used as the starting point for comparing relative performance, performing bottom-up valuation, and identifying profitable investment opportunities. This paper proposes a statistical factor model to explain the cross-sectional variation of company valuation relative to book cost. The factors are constructed to capture the principal dimensions of firm characteristics that drive the relative value variation. The factor loadings, estimated via cross-sectional regressions of company relative value on the factors at each point in time, represent the market pricing of the valuation factors at that point in time on the company's relative value. Historical analysis on U.S. publicly traded companies shows that the factor model explains a large proportion of the cross-sectional variation of company relative value across different sample periods and experiences little out-of-sample degeneration. The residual relative value variations unexplained by the factor model represent temporary company misvaluation, and can be exploited by both outside investors as attractive investment opportunities and internal management for market timing financing decisions.

10.00AM – 11.00AM

(Singapore Time Zone, GMT +8)

Title: Monotone Additive Statistics

Prof Omer Tamuz (California Institute of Technology)
Joint with Profs Xiaosheng Mu, Luciano Pomatto and Philipp Strack

Abstract: A statistic is a mapping from bounded random variables to real numbers. We characterize all statistics that are monotone with respect to first-order stochastic dominance, and are additive for sums of independent random variables. We explore a number of applications, including a representation of dynamically-consistent, monotone time preferences, generalizing Fishburn and Rubinstein (1982), and a characterization of posted prices for risks.

About the Speakers

Wu Liuren

Liuren Wu is the Wollman Distinguished Professor of Finance at Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College, City University of New York. Professor Wu's research interests cover option pricing, credit risk and term structure modeling, market microstructure, and general asset pricing. Professor Wu has published over 50 articles, many of them in top finance journals such as the Journal of Finance, the Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Management Science, and Journal of Monetary Economics. Mr. Wu has worked extensively as consultants in the finance industry, including Bloomberg, Morgan Stanley, Royal Bank of Canada, and several fixed income, equity, and equity options hedge funds and market making firms, where he has developed statistical arbitrage trading strategies, risk management procedures, optimal trade execution and market making strategies, and quantitative models for pricing fixed income and equity derivative securities.

Omer Tamuz

Omer Tamuz is a Professor of Economics and Mathematics at Caltech. He is interested in probability, dynamics and group theory, and in their applications to topics in microeconomic theory, including information, risk and uncertainty, and social choice. He got his B.Sc. in computer science and physics from Tel Aviv University, where he participated in the search for extrasolar planets. In 2013 he received his Ph.D. in mathematics from the Weizmann Institute. From 2013 until 2015 he was a Schramm postdoctoral fellow at the MIT math department / Microsoft Research. He has been at Caltech since 2015.

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