Certification Programs

NUS RMI Workshop on Practical Applications of Options Risk Management Strategies

24 to 25 April 2018

NUS RMI Workshop on Practical Applications of Options Risk Management Strategies


Options Trading and Risk Management is often perceived as a weighty and arduous topic, but it doesn’t have to be so. This 2-day course will be conducted with an engaging and experiential approach. Learners will discover the fundamentals of Option Trading and then solidify their newly acquired knowledge through hands-on sessions on Epi-Trade®, a financial market simulator which creates realistic and dynamic scenarios.

Through these simulations, Learners will realise the risks, functional requirements and compliance considerations of Options Trading.

Learning Outcomes

  • Distinguish between the various processes, key roles and responsibilities in the Options trade life-cycle
  • Recognise common Option strategies and portfolios
  • Identify and quantify the risks arising from Option positions
  • Develop appropriate risk management recommendations and strategies
  • Recommend functionality required for the trading and risk management of Options
  • Apply the industry rules, regulations and best practices for the trading and risk management of Options

Who should attend

  • Risk Managers
  • Business Analysts
  • Compliance Professionals
  • Operations and Technology Professionals supporting Risk Functions

Assumed Knowledge

It is assumed that participants have a prior knowledge of the definitions of Puts and Calls, and knowledge of standard payoff diagrams.

Program Outline

  • A. Fundamentals of Options
  • •   Calls and Puts
  • •   Writers and Holders
  • •   Payoff structures
  • B. Complex Options Strategies
  • •   Consolidated Payoffs
  • •   Positioning Profit areas
  • •   Pushing out Risk areas
  • C. Hedging Options Sensitivities
  • •   Delta
  • •   Vega
  • •   Gamma
  • C. Managing Exceptional Conditions
  • •   Liquidity
  • •   Jump Events
  • D. The Onset of Risk
  • •   Positions arising from:
    • Market Making
    • Arbitrage
    • Option Strategies
  • E. Managing Option Risks
  • •   Automatically Manage Exposures (Delta Hedging, Risk Reversals)
  • •   Automatically Execute Trades when conditions are met
  • •   Build in Risk Control Measures   o Position Limits (Delta-equivalent exposures)
    • Loss Limits (Mark-to-Market factoring in Gamma and Vega)
  • G. Rules, Regulations and Best Practices
  • •   Securities and Futures Act
  • •   Securities and Futures Regulations
  • •   FX Global Code


Mr Gerard Tong

  • Master of Science in Financial Engineering
  • Advanced Certificate of Training and Assessment
  • 20 years of Financial Markets experience specializing in foreign exchange, derivative products and financial IT solutioning
  • Varied roles of Trader, Market Maker, Product Structurer, Fintech Professional
  • Trading, Risk Management and Market Surveillance Systems at SGXl
  • Adjunct Professor at Risk Management Institute (National University of Singapore)

Program Date

24 to 25 April 2018

Program Fees

S$2,800 (subject to 7% GST)


We are pleased to offer the following discounts (either one)

  • 15% discount for signups before 24 March 2018 (1 month ahead of program)
  • 15% discount for signups of a group of 3 or more

Each participant who successfully completes the workshop will receive NUS RMI Certificate.


For enquiry, please contact Ms Jaslin Chong at Tel: 6516 8497 or Email: rmicsh@nus.edu.sg